Saturday, December 29, 2012

Why is it called "The Chubby Couch" and not "The Confessions of a Fat Girl"?

Well, in order to answer that question, maybe I should tell you why I created a blog in the first place. Don't worry, I'll be quick about it. I know you're probably in a hurry to get to work, down some coffee, update Facebook, or maybe text while you drive. Don't lie, you've done it.

Anyway, after losing about 60 pounds from May '11 to December '11, and then spending all of 2012 gaining over half of it back, I figured it was time to buckle down and do something again. Obviously, something didn't stick the first time. Lack of motivation? Laziness? No self-confidence? I don't exactly know the answer. I'm hoping by blogging about my weight loss adventures, I'll figure a few things out about myself. Maybe no one is reading this, but if you are, I hope to motivate you to be the best person you can be as well. And of course, to make you laugh your ass off a few times. Well, let's hope at least.

So why "The Chubby Couch"? Why not something overdone like "Confessions of a Fat Girl", or the generic "A Weight Loss Memoir by Kayla Stamm"? It's all thanks to my aunt. You see, in our spare time, we talk about people. Come on, don't judge, who doesn't talk about people for fun? Well, one night we were actually talking about me and my weight loss (or lack thereof) issues, and she goes "You just need...a couch for chubbies!" (Which is the nicer way of kind of saying, "Girl, you got some serious issues a professional with a SOFA for you to LIE ON needs to sort out") However, it became our inside joke, and now, months later, months after I didn't get my couch for chubbies, here I am, creating my own space, and inventing a weight loss therapy method.

What is this gonna be like? I have no clue. Most likely a collection of moments, quotes, inspirations, motivations, pictures--all of the cliche crap attached to a blog like this. But I also hope to learn about myself and to motivate others that it's never too late or too early to change yourself for the better.

And why in the hell would I start this two days before New Years Eve, one of the biggest food and drinking days of the year? Because there will always be an excuse for why you shouldn't do something positive for yourself. Always. Holidays won't wait for you to change your life; they will always be here along with a thousand other obstacles standing in your way. It's my own ability to throw those excuses away that will ultimately define who I am. And I'm starting with this one.

If you're reading this line right now, YAY I have readers! Well, at least one :) Thank you!

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